586 12H10zm-6 4h4v-5a1 1 best brides in skyrim 0 1 1-1h5V2H4v14zm5 2H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v9. 502 0 0 0 7 4. 459 0 0 0 2 4.
47A1 1 0 0 1 5 7. 997 0 0 1 7 7h. Best and worst candidates for marriage? Who do you think the best and worst options are? Beggars : I don’t understand, is this a joke, pity, a way to be a rebel maybe? Brawlers : So I kick your ass and you like it so much that you want to marry me?
Is this some sort of animal courtship? 2 people, one being important if you want to buy Hjerim. Camilla Valerius and Mjoll the Lioness : for similar reasons, they come with annoying suitors and you have to kill them to be at peace. Serana, cause her tits look big and juicy plus she hot as hell! Nightmother, cause she ugly as hell and she a hoe.
Funny thing is, none of them are options. Out of those two, though, who do we spend time with closed into a really small area? I would have to agree with Bilitis when it comes to the worst options. Camilla Valerius and Mjoll the Lioness : for the similar reasons, they come with annoying suitors and you have to kill them to feel at peace.
If married, he will attempt to return to Darkwater Crossing every day, thus making him very hard to get hold of, since all purchasable homes are quite a long distance away from Darkwater Crossing. Personally, I like Camilla, because there’s the thought that you’re fighting two other guys for her. Shigeru Thalmor Slayer wrote: You forgot to mention Derkeethus. That sounds like he feels like he’s your prisoner or something.
I didn’t know and I was considering it for a potential future argonian female character, not cool. Ysolda is usually my go to option in game, although it maybe because I have a serious weakness for redheads with short haircuts. Still kinda iffy with the whole ‘drug-dealing’ thing, though. In my latest playthroughs I usually don’t bother with marriage anymore, as it seems quite useless aside from a roleplaying perspective. When I do marry however, it’s highly dependant on what kind of a character I’m playing. As for women, I prefer Ysolda, because she is very ambitious, strong willed and doesn’t seem to share the racial prejudices that many Nords hold dear.
For roleplaying though, it really depends what kind of a character I’m playing. I know that all spouses give your character the same amount of money. Viola Giordano who has the decency to already be a bit long in the tooth, so her quiet passing in her sleep won’t rouse much suspicion. None, all the spouses are exactley the same.