Win a Canon RP Mirrorless Camera! Your content will be up shortly. Introduction to Wedding Poses Posing in wedding photography is much more of an art bride yoga top it is a science, as it requires so much judgement and interpretation.
When we first started wedding photography, this was our biggest fear and the most difficult aspect to learn. With the wrong pose, you can make an otherwise attractive couple look awkward, clumsy, and even unattractive. Furthermore, with odd posing, you can make a very affectionate and natural couple seem awkward and distant. With the right pose, you can make even the most stiff and stoic couples seem undeniably fun and in love. The Complete Posing Workshop, be sure to check out our Posing Videos in SLR Lounge Premium.
Below is the first video in the workshop that you can watch for free! 10 Basic Poses Below, we’ll go over a few basic poses that we teach in the workshop. Keep in mind that these are just 10 wedding poses out of hundreds of poses that you will need to master to become a good wedding photographer. How can you come up with hundreds of wedding poses?
The answer is small posing variation. Slight adjustments in hand placement, feet positioning, head positioning, facial expressions, and posture can change the entire mood and feel of a wedding image. Below are just 10 basic wedding poses to start with. The V Up This is your most classic, basic wedding pose.
Be sure to have your couple touching at the hips with hands anywhere but dangling at the bride and groom’s sides. We call it this because their bodies are closed off and they are facing each other. From here, you can get intimate poses and candid poses depending on where you have the bride and groom look and depending on their expression. We use this pose often with grand, scenic landscape wedding photographs.
The Swing The Swing pose adds in action into a scene. Use this selectively and be sure to gauge your groom’s ability to hold up the bride’s weight. The image on the bottom is still considered a carry because it’s essentially the same pose but just with the groom seated. With this pose, you can put the focus on just one of the two. We also call it the penguin kiss because of the way the couples have to stick out their rear ends. This is great for symmetrical scenes like the ones below. The Walk The walk is probably the most common pose.
Wedding videographers love this pose and often default to this because of the motion it adds to the scene. Again, gauge the couples’ coordination and ability to execute this pose. It’s more difficult than it looks and it can look really odd and awkward if done incorrectly. The most common mistake when doing this wedding pose is the groom not lunging far enough down. We want it to look more like a lunge and less like a squat. Wedding Poses Conclusion The poses we mention above are meant to be a starting point for posing.